Feijóo accuses Sánchez of damaging the credibility and reputation of Spain for the 'cessation' of the president of the INE

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has warned today of the negative consequences for the image of Spain that the resignation of the president of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Juan Rodríguez Poo, will have, after several days of rumors about his imminent dismissal for part of the Government within the general restructuring of the statistical institute in which it is working, as reported by ABC.

Feijóo accuses Sánchez of damaging the credibility and reputation of Spain for the 'cessation' of the president of the INE

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has warned today of the negative consequences for the image of Spain that the resignation of the president of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Juan Rodríguez Poo, will have, after several days of rumors about his imminent dismissal for part of the Government within the general restructuring of the statistical institute in which it is working, as reported by ABC. According to Feijóo, «the dismissal of the director of the INE is terrible news for the credibility of Spain. In the last 30 years the director of that body had not been dismissed except when the Government changed.

During his speech at the summer courses of the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA), with the title 'Support for the self-employed and entrepreneurs: an essential strategy', Feijóo stressed that the Spanish statistics are well done, with an adequate methodology and are compatible with that of Eurostat«.

“Seeing how the director of the INE is dismissed because the Government does not agree with the statistics is a mistake that affects the credibility, reliability and reputation of the Kingdom of Spain,” he warned.

During his speech before the representatives of self-employed workers and business organizations, Feijóo referred to the decree law that the Government has just approved with new measures to deal with the crisis and the rise in prices.

According to Feijóo, the measures for citizens "go in the right direction but are insufficient." In his opinion, the fact that there is a new decree in less than 90 days proves that the first one did not work. "The Government made a mistake, either because it was insufficient, incomplete or the measures did not work." Regarding the Iberian exception for the price of energy, he has warned that "it has not worked", because energy continues to rise.

The leader of the PP has exposed the main proposals of the PP. One of them goes through an extraordinary and temporary reduction of personal income tax withholdings, because the collection in Spain has a historical record. Thus, he recalled that the forecast increase in collection is 9,000 million more throughout the year, but between January and April collection has increased by 13,200 million, as a result of prices, with inflation at 8.7 percent cent, are rising and the tax base offers higher collection.

In addition, he has defended reducing the administration's spending: "It makes no sense to have the most expensive government in democracy, in one of the most difficult moments of Spanish democracy."

He has also called for European funds to be executed effectively and effectively. “We are glad that the European Commission releases a second payment, but if the funds do not reach the economy, if the competitiveness of companies is not improved, the funds poorly spent can lead to enormous difficulty due to unproductive spending.”

In addition, he has demanded that fuel prices be contained. Feijóo has proposed in the EU that states that request it be authorized to reduce or exempt the tax on hydrocarbons temporarily, while the price exceeds two euros. "It is a reasonable measure," he defended.

Regarding the self-employed, Feijóo proposes a tax reduction and a fair and balanced contribution system for real income. He proposes calling for direct aid for these workers, and advocates restoring the flat rate for new self-employed workers at 50 euros.

“Today Spain is a country with negative records,” Feijóo lamented at the end of his speech. The president of the PP has ended with a warning about the politics practiced in Spain: «Politics understood as a game of occurrences has to belong to the past. Improvisation is inappropriate for a country that has excellent professionals, excellent organizations and very solid and talented people».