According to the GAD3 survey, Vox will win but the PP will win.

Gad3 conducted a survey in Castilla y Leon on yesterday's elections.

According to the GAD3 survey, Vox will win but the PP will win.

Gad3 conducted a survey in Castilla y Leon on yesterday's elections. A sample of 5,500 interviews gave a range between 31-33 seats for the PP, and 11-13 for Vox. This could give rise to a loose absolute majority. According to this scenario, the PP could not join other forces like the UPL. The poll awards 3 attorneys to Por Avila (1 attorney), and Soria Ya (3 lawyers). It would then be forced to accept the formation of Abascal. The PSOE would receive between 25-28 prosecutors.

The demographic study shows that there has been a decline in the PP's intention of voting since the survey was published last Monday. There also appears to have been an increase in the PSOE's, which increased from 28.9% to 30.3%. Vox is unchanged at 15%. However, 3 seats of Soria Ya have been consolidated. The solitary seat of Ciudadanos Valladolid, and 1-3 of Unidas Podemos are also consolidated.