Mercadona triggers its economic impact in Spain to 660,000 jobs and 25,000 million euros

More than 660,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs and a contribution of more than 25,000 million euros to the Spanish Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Mercadona triggers its economic impact in Spain to 660,000 jobs and 25,000 million euros

More than 660,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs and a contribution of more than 25,000 million euros to the Spanish Gross Domestic Product (GDP). These are the great figures of the contribution of Mercadona and its assembly chain, made up of more than 3,000 suppliers to the national economy.

A report prepared by the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (Ivie) has put black on white the impact of the company chaired by Juan Roig, which in labor matters means that Mercadona's activity generates 3.7 percent of employment in Spain. The supermarket chain generates as many jobs as there are inhabitants in the city of Seville.

Meanwhile, the Valencian company and its suppliers contribute more than two percent of GDP.

In this regard, according to the aforementioned report, during the past financial year Mercadona bet on national production and made purchases in Spain from its different suppliers for an amount of 21,000 million euros.

In addition, as a result of its activity and that generated indirectly and induced, a tax contribution of 9,007 million euros has been reached, which represents two percent of the total estimated collection of the Spanish Public Administrations. This data includes Social Security contributions.

Likewise, the tax contribution borne and collected by Mercadona from the Public Administrations amounts to 1,955 million euros, of which 931 correspond to payments to Social Security, 197 to corporate income tax, 685 to the collection of VAT and personal income tax, and 142 to the payment of various taxes and fees. While the contribution generated as a result of the indirect and induced impact is quantified at 5,353 and 1,699 million euros, respectively.