Accident. Franky Zapata, after the fall from his flyboard: "I am fine."

After a dramatic fall from his flyboard the day prior, Franky Zapata, a Frenchman, tweeted "I'm Fine" on Sunday.

Accident. Franky Zapata, after the fall from his flyboard: "I am fine."

After a dramatic fall from his flyboard the day prior, Franky Zapata, a Frenchman, tweeted "I'm Fine" on Sunday. He was demonstrating his flying skateboard at a demonstration on Lake Biscarosse in the Landes.

"Finally, a Sunday of rest and it's Monday again!" According to local media witnesses, the Marseillais fell 15 meters from the lake's surface.

The 43-year old athlete writes, "Thanks to the rescuers. I have ensured serious, and I didn't even drink the cup." He is well-known for crossing the Channel on his machine in August 2019. It reminds us that birds are not our friends and that gravity is the winner if we're not exceptional". He jokes about the accident, whose exact cause is unknown.

Our Sud Ouest colleagues reported that Zapata fell approximately fifteen meters after he had spun and risen. He was quickly rescued by the crews of a boat, and a jetski which provided security for the site. After he had spun around, he was transferred to the hospital for further assessment.