TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

Dörte cannot be dissuaded: she has seen Petrov.

TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

Dörte cannot be dissuaded: she has seen Petrov. Sandra becomes suspicious of Malte's distraction attempts. Without her boss's permission, she looks at the surveillance videos and finds what she is looking for. Charlotte turns away disappointed. Tina celebrates her independence and lets herself be infected by Charlotte's enthusiasm: together they can do it! In a minor emergency, Tina blindly relies on Charlotte. But she's off track because of Simon.

Although Leon is in severe pain, he takes part in the triathlon. His only goal is to defeat Paul because he feels that Paul still means a lot to Josie. And indeed he fights his way to the top. However, in the last discipline, he is overtaken by Paul and threatens to lose to him. But then something happens that neither of them expected. When Carolin is caught up again by her feelings for Vanessa, she tries to sort her thoughts on paper. Suddenly Michael arrives and notices how Carolin quickly tries to hide her notes. Michael becomes suspicious and asks her to tell him the real reason for her wedding cancellation.

Jakob is embarrassed when Stella scares him to death. He can't let that sit on him! However, his tit for tat backfires. In his efforts to know that Sina is taken care of, Bambi doesn't notice that Sina is slowly becoming suspicious. David's feelings have been given a boost since the cooking show. When Vivien downplays everything, he is once again seized with the desire to win her over.

Justus thinks Simone's decision was a mistake and takes his own steps. Can Simone dissuade him? Finn is hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning. There he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. Can Imani save him? Richard finds a bra in the center. Everything points to Ben. Is he cheating on Kim? Richard investigates the matter and makes a surprising acquaintance.

Laura and John decide to take some time off so they don't bicker about the masonry again. They turn off their phones and enjoy a romantic date until Laura secretly turns her phone on and is promptly confronted with a masonry problem. Sunny gets angry that the construction workers call her a dumbass, and she shows the boys the ropes.