Journalist and moderator: Uli Wickert turns 80 today. And wants to be in the kitchen on his birthday

Today is your birthday and you are 80 years old.

Journalist and moderator: Uli Wickert turns 80 today. And wants to be in the kitchen on his birthday

Today is your birthday and you are 80 years old. How do you celebrate?En famille.

No celebrity guests? No.

And what are you doing? I'm going to prepare dinner. There is confit de canard, my favorite dish.

So duck confit. I always prepare it myself because you have to make sure that the skin is crispy but the meat is not dry.

Are you actually in the kitchen on your birthday? Yes, I like doing that.

Have you seen the film "1000 Lines" about the Relotius scandal? No, but I have already awarded Relotius a prize, the Ulrich Wickert Prize for Children's Rights. Hours later, when it came out that he had made up his stories, we withdrew the award from him.

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