Emergency: man sleeps in paper container: garbage truck takes him away

After a night in a paper container in Dresden, a man got into a garbage truck while emptying.

Emergency: man sleeps in paper container: garbage truck takes him away

After a night in a paper container in Dresden, a man got into a garbage truck while emptying. The employees of a disposal company heard calls for help from inside the vehicle on Wednesday, which they could not assign at first, as the fire brigade of the Saxon state capital announced. "Before the next emptying, the calls for help could still be heard, after which they checked the hold and found the person inside."

After rescue workers and the fire brigade arrived, the garbage truck was partially emptied. Emergency services climbed into the vehicle via ladders and got the man out. "Lucky in disguise - the man only suffered a foot injury," said the fire brigade. He came to a hospital. An employee of the garbage truck suffered circulatory problems. On Wednesday it was still unclear whether the man was homeless and had therefore stayed in the paper container.
