Migrants : stop roman for Gérald Darmanin - The Point

Identify Gérald Darmanin on a trip to Rome in the end of this week is not complicated. Just watch, in the streets still almost deserted of the eternal City, the

Migrants : stop roman for Gérald Darmanin - The Point

Identify Gérald Darmanin on a trip to Rome in the end of this week is not complicated. Just watch, in the streets still almost deserted of the eternal City, the only group of suits and ties daignant brave racing the scorching heat that beat down these last few days on the Lazio. After the pattern of displacement across France, the chosen of Tourcoing gave Italy its first international release since her arrival on place Beauvau. A small breathing welcome, some might say, for a member of the executive, strongly criticized for his media outlets and regularly put under pressure by several women's associations during his recent trips.

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But in Rome, nothing of all this. If the accusation of rape that still weighs against this former lieutenant, Nicolas Sarkozy had sunk a little ink in the press transalpine at the time of his appointment, his arrival in the Peninsula, she had not made the wave. It must be said that these last days, it is more as its counterpart in Italian, Luciana Lamorgese, which is at the heart of the news. In fact, the former préfète of Milan is in the first line of criticism, while Italy recorded a drastic increase of new arrivals of migrants on the national coasts.

Lampedusa, a new hot spot

For the single month of July, the ministry of the Interior has observed 6 431 new illegal landings (in large majority on the island of Lampedusa, off the coast of Tunisia) : six times more than last year at the same period. A situation even more complex because of the security challenge, has now been added to the executive roman the headache of monitoring the health of newcomers, while the figures of the Covid-19 resuming an upward trend in the Peninsula. In short, blessed bread to the opposition of italy and for a Matteo Salvini too happy to be riding again on his horse, battle of choice and leave in its crusade anti-migrant, less than two months of a series of polls in several regions of Italy.

In Rome, Gérald Darmanin, therefore, had to once again (after the visit of Macron in September of last year) show support of Paris to its Italian partner. But the simple "pat on the shoulder" diplomatic is not enough. Italy needs help. The executive transalpine hoped in particular that France could intervene with the authorities of Tunisia, a country which offers now the majority of new applicants to the crossing, pushed by the economic crisis that hit the arab country. Objective : "to reduce the pressure for migration in Italy," the faster, "says the French minister, who promises," upon his return to Paris ", put the folder in the hands of the head of the diplomacy hexagonal.

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beyond the emergency, Darmanin and Lamorgese also spoke of the need for the two countries to build "a common position" on the future "Pact of migration" wanted by Brussels, which will be the center of the top of the Interior ministers of the EU, in September next. Finally, a further announcement of the meeting between the two representatives : the establishment of a patrol mixed with the franco-Italian border to better combat illegal immigration. A ploy by the French to "keep the illegal immigrants among us," railed yesterday evening the head of the League, Matteo Salvini.

If the folder migration has been the red thread of the displacement of the minister in Italy, Gérald Darmanin, as he likes to stressed since his arrival at the Interior, do not intend to play the role of " first cop of France ". No question of neglect her new hat of minister of religion. A function somewhat neglected by the " monster Beauvau ", saw it a few years ago, but that he will have taken great care not to neglect during his stopover in rome. The menu is already loaded to the Northerner, a long discussion with parish priests French (as reported by the daily Cross) and then a meeting with a representative – French – of the roman Curia, a few steps from the Vatican. Thus, after the synagogue of Victory in Paris a few days after his appointment, it was this time in the tower of the famous church of Saint-Louis-des-French having to bend over backwards to fit in the agenda well filled with the minister Macron. Outside, the few tourists who come to admire the sublime paintings of Caravaggio kept in the church, the French will have to wait until the caravan Darmanin password.

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FOG – is it Necessary to burn Gérald Darmanin ?

Date Of Update: 01 August 2020, 06:33