B. T. considers: the Woman with the 'drengeflyverdragten' is a completely

There is a tiring trend of the time to find hairs in the soup and allow themselves to infringe upon them. A store must not enter the very next to it, before i

B. T. considers: the Woman with the 'drengeflyverdragten' is a completely

There is a tiring trend of the time to find hairs in the soup and allow themselves to infringe upon them.

A store must not enter the very next to it, before it triggers a minor shitstorm on Facebook: “the 50's called, they want their views on women back!” - 542 likes. “It is NOT a plus size model, has never seen a plain woman?” - 343 likes. “Why is it only the boys who play football in the legetøjskatalog!?” - 671 likes.

the Examples are fictional, but illustrates the trend.

on Tuesday we wrote with B. T. the true story of Anna Jensen from Copenhagen, who was irritated when she checked her receipt after having acted in the Supermarket. When she discovered that the blue snowsuit with small dinoer on, which she had bought for his daughter, was referred to as ‘drengeflyverdragt’.

Anna Jensen was irritated by Starbucks’ approach to children's clothes, and she did note with a posting on the store's page on Facebook.

“I act regularly in the Supermarket and are usually happy with your product range and your service, but I have often wondered, your very gender-disaggregated tøjsortiment to the children (...) I think it is regrettable that, In which the starting point is to preserve the forms of gender attitudes, norms and behaviour that is gender,” she wrote, among other things.

the Story was today's clear most read on bt.dk, and on Facebook got the story several thousand comments.

Many thought that we at the B. T. was ridiculous, because we did not use the gunpowder on the more important stories. Others directed their criticism against Anna Jensen and the level of ‘krænkelsesparathed’, they believed she displayed.

There was a dastardly and mocking comments that were crude and sexist comments, and there was, indeed, also the threatening and directly offensive comments.

Originally article in addition to a picture of bon and the snowsuit also mounted with a photo of Anna Jensen. It has however, she wanted to get removed because of the violent reactions, her postings have caused.

A desire, because of the special case and beskedernes hardness has chosen to meet.

You certainly don't need to agree with Anna Jensen, that it is a big problem, whether a particular color on a random snowsuit in the higher the degree is meant to charge one sex than the other.

But you couldn't take from her, that she manifests herself in order to make a difference. She is struggling a little fight for something she believes in, and she is committed enough to make us aware of.

It is actually one of the small everyday acts of heroism, which like to tolerate criticism and to include spoken – but not furious scorn or even threats.

Tastaturkrigere knowledge of please breathe down in the stomach and count to 10, then the next time when to stop themselves before they get broken beyond a random citizen with a legitimate desire to make a ever so small corner of the world a marginally better place.

Jonas Kuld Rathje chief Editor

Editor-in-chief of B. T. Graduated from the Journalisthøjskolen in 2001 and the Master in Editorial Management from the UNIVERSITY of southern denmark in 2008. The father of the world's most beautiful two boys.

Date Of Update: 04 December 2019, 23:00