World Children's Day: Associations: More commitment and strategy against child poverty

On the occasion of World Children's Day this Tuesday, the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband and the Kinderschutzbund in Lower Saxony are calling for a more decisive commitment by politicians to combat child poverty.

World Children's Day: Associations: More commitment and strategy against child poverty

On the occasion of World Children's Day this Tuesday, the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband and the Kinderschutzbund in Lower Saxony are calling for a more decisive commitment by politicians to combat child poverty. "Children and young people have the right to an equal upbringing and fair educational and participation opportunities," said Kerstin Tack, chairwoman of the Lower Saxony Parity, on Monday. "It's time to finally redeem this right and launch an overall strategy involving the non-profit organizations so that children and young people throughout Lower Saxony have equal opportunities for participation and living conditions."

According to the associations, about one in five of the 1.35 million children and young people is at risk of poverty. It is to be feared that this number will increase significantly in the coming months in view of the current crises, it said. After the state elections, structural poverty prevention in the living environment of young people and their families must begin, the associations demanded. Child poverty is usually family poverty. The social situation of the parental home determines the situation of the child.

Preventing and combating child poverty should be part of a state-wide strategy, said Daniela Rump, Chairwoman of the Child Protection Association in Lower Saxony. "This includes a poverty-sensitive and needs-based care and education infrastructure as well as nationwide, low-threshold social counseling services and social projects."

Message from the Parity Welfare Association