Núñez affirms that they were the first to denounce the irregularities in the Diptuación de Albacete

The president of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, has made reference to the news of the imputation of a dozen officials of the Provincial Council of Albacete for alleged irregularities in opposition processes when he directed the institution: «We were the first to expose these irregularities.

Núñez affirms that they were the first to denounce the irregularities in the Diptuación de Albacete

The president of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, has made reference to the news of the imputation of a dozen officials of the Provincial Council of Albacete for alleged irregularities in opposition processes when he directed the institution: «We were the first to expose these irregularities.

To questions from the media after a press conference in Villarrobledo, Núñez has indicated that everything he knows is from journalistic information, and "in no case" have they referred to the PP or himself in this process.

“But in any case, we have always had the utmost respect for judicial procedures. From the tranquility that, from the Government that I presided over in the provincial institution, we were the first to make irregularities known so that they could be investigated," said Núñez, who has asked in any case "to respect the presumption of innocence."

The Investigating Court number 3 of Albacete has called to testify on June 3 and 23 to 10 officials of the Provincial Council, as investigated in the alleged rigging of the oppositions corresponding to the Public Employment Offer of 2009.

According to sources from the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha, the court order has admitted the request of the Diputación, in person as an accusation, to take statements from the 10 accused, as a procedural guarantee and for them to come to testify at the judicial headquarters with lawyer and solicitor. These 10 people already appeared in the report initially instructed by the National Police.

On the other hand, the investigating judge has rejected the request of another of the parties involved in the procedure, in which they requested to investigate selective processes other than those that are currently being investigated, understanding that the open judicial procedure is not a general cause against all the selective processes of the Diputación, but it is a specific case.

Next month's subpoenas will be behind closed doors, since they are investigation proceedings that are carried out within a pending procedure.