Arrest in the scaffolding case

The dramatic case between stilladsarbejdere continues its development. Sunday was a stilladsarbejder and a member of the Dansk El-Forbund assaulted at a const

Arrest in the scaffolding case

The dramatic case between stilladsarbejdere continues its development.

Sunday was a stilladsarbejder and a member of the Dansk El-Forbund assaulted at a construction site in Copenhagen, where they documented what they believe to be illegal stilladsarbejde.

the attack sparked chaos on the day after, where hundreds of stilladsarbejdere met up in front of the scaffold and protested. The protests evolved tremendously and the scaffolding was toppled.

on Friday, the police have, however, progressed to the arrest and charged a 31-year-old man for violence in connection with the incident on Sunday evening, where stilladsarbejderen and Danish Electricity Alliance was attacked.

this was stated by The Copenhagen Police on Twitter. It is sparingly what the police will tell you when B. T. is calling vicepolitinspektør Jesper Beuschel:

"I can say that today we have made the arrest of a 31 year old man on the basis of the reviews we received in the last week, where, specifically, was a deadliest single targeted killing on Sunday."

He says, moreover, that the police are investigating several cases related to the incidents between stilladsarbejdere:

"We are investigating the case and several cases in this regard," he concludes.

Date Of Update: 06 December 2019, 16:00