Munich-based researchers, first picture of two planets with a sun-like star

astronomers have a picture of two young planets, and their sun-like star. With a telescope of the European southern Observatory, Eso) wait (could you make a dir

Munich-based researchers, first picture of two planets with a sun-like star

astronomers have a picture of two young planets, and their sun-like star. With a telescope of the European southern Observatory, Eso) wait (could you make a direct recording of the 300 light-years away in star named TYC 8998-760-1 and its exoplanets, as they report in the journal "The Astrophysical Journal Letters". The researchers also expect to gain insights into how the planets are to our sun originated.

The solar system similar to, but much younger

"This discovery is a snapshot of an environment, of which our solar system is very similar, but in a much earlier stage of its development," said research leader Alexander Bohn from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, in an Eso statement. Direct recordings of two or more planets that circle around a star, according to the scientists very rarely. So far, there are only two systems in which the star of the vagina, however, far from our sun.

The star TYC 8998-760-1 is only 17 million years old and lying in the southern constellation of Musca. Bohn referred to him as "a very young Version of our own sun". With the Eso telescope, Atacama VLT in Chile-desert, which could block the Team the brighter light of the star and the planets visible.

Further observations planned

The two gas giants orbiting this at a distance, which corresponds to 160 and 320 Times the distance from the earth to the sun. They are even much further from their star than the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter from the sun. They are also significantly heavier, as astronomers found out. Further observations should reveal whether young planets are created at your current location or moved.

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Date Of Update: 22 July 2020, 19:27