Bestselling author: Martin Suter and the secret of long love

In his new book "Melody" (to be published on March 22), the Swiss bestselling author Martin Suter (75) deals with lifelong melancholy after a lost love.

Bestselling author: Martin Suter and the secret of long love

In his new book "Melody" (to be published on March 22), the Swiss bestselling author Martin Suter (75) deals with lifelong melancholy after a lost love. He has a better hand than his main character himself: he has been with his wife Margrith for almost 45 years.

The secret of such a long love? "I'm still figuring that out," Suter told the German Press Agency. "Life is actually too short to really get to know yourself, including yourself."

His advice: You have to make a decision, even in love. "If you keep thinking, maybe I should do this, or maybe there's a nicer house, a better island, another woman - then you're missing out. Fortunately, I realized pretty early on that you're missing out on billions of things every second , so one thing more or less doesn't matter. Let's make up our minds and try not to miss at least one thing, in the field of love and elsewhere."