The Suffering of the young teacher: New Webcomedy about the pitfalls of infinite home schoolings

"chalk is like coke and I'm in rehab" - this sobering realization is the beginning of the new Webcomedy "teacher withdrawal", as from Friday, 10. July, at

The Suffering of the young teacher: New Webcomedy about the pitfalls of infinite home schoolings

"chalk is like coke and I'm in rehab" - this sobering realization is the beginning of the new Webcomedy "teacher withdrawal", as from Friday, 10. July, at 10.00, is seen in the ZDFmediathek. In the center of the six-part series, Tina (Christine Eixenberger), a primary school teacher. Their particular experiences with Homeschooling in the YouTube series (TV-broadcast from Tuesday, 28. July, 0.45 PM) in a fun way not shown.

For months, Tina was like all their colleagues in the Homeschooling. But now that the schools are open again, may you enjoy your return to the classroom - she believes at least. Because no sooner is she back, she is sent by her superiors again home. You should forward a Homeschooling-pattern class, because only by using the vacant class rooms could to comply with the school with the necessary hygiene rules. As if that were not bad enough, there is also a comparison class. Tina's fighting spirit is aroused. However, you will master all the hurdles of the striking technique to the know-it-all, of Algerian parents in the end?

"teacher withdrawal" was filmed in June under the prescribed Corona-protection measures. Directed by Sinan batteries. The screenplays were written by Tobias Öller.

*The post "The Suffering of the young teacher: New Webcomedy about the pitfalls of infinite home schoolings" is published by the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

tele look

Date Of Update: 08 July 2020, 19:26