The fresh air protects Laptop from heat damage | Multimedia

Many people are currently working in the home office. Computer or Laptop are in constant use and therefore need special protection against sun and heat. Hanov

The fresh air protects Laptop from heat damage | Multimedia

Many people are currently working in the home office. Computer or Laptop are in constant use and therefore need special protection against sun and heat.

Hanover (dpa/tmn) - Whether Laptop, Computer or Smartphone: For technical devices, the current temperatures mean hard work. Experts from the magazine for computer technology "c't" recommend you not to put devices in the sun and to keep cool - especially when working in a home office.

consumer should always pay attention to a pleasant room temperature. Because 30 degrees is a Laptop, sweating in the shade. To a certain extent, the Hardware of the heat can be against taxes and it works then more slowly, or the fan is spinning faster. But in the long term, accelerates the aging process.

Basically, you should look for in computers and Laptops that the fan and fan vents are not dusty. This increases their performance and life.

in Addition, you should always get fresh air to the devices. Just the Laptop, the bottom can heat up to 80 degrees. The "c't"experts therefore strongly advise to use the devices in bed or on the lap.

a hot bottom cool, you can put the Laptop, for example, simply high. Also a fan to cool you down. And even an open window helps, because fresh air is for the technique is always better than stagnant air in the interior.

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Date Of Update: 28 June 2020, 12:34