morning of kings

Bonifacia Valcabado Sanz is a Valladolid woman who has just turned 108 years old.

morning of kings

Bonifacia Valcabado Sanz is a Valladolid woman who has just turned 108 years old. She confesses to Berta Pontes de los Ríos in 'El Norte de Castilla' that her secret is not to work too much, eat little, exercise and drink a small glass of Ribera a day. She was going to write that I will die young because I don't do any of that. But no, what's up: young man I don't die anymore. And whoever says fifty is the new thirty is that her back doesn't hurt when she bends over.

Bonifacia was born in 1914. Total, the day before yesterday. What those eyes must have seen. To see, she saw two monarchs leave Spain. One never came back, the other returns today to turn a Friday in May into a morning of kings without gifts and spend a long weekend. It will not be the last: we already know that his wish is to "frequently travel to Spain to visit his family and friends." This first visit is the test, to feel how we take their former subjects who come here from time to time. And, according to what is read and what is heard, we take it between regular and we are seeing. Because what a disappointment, man. How sad. What desolation. As nice as he seemed, so pichi, such a good seller of Spain abroad, such a maker of democracy. And so tall, that being tall has always been a plus in this country.

Bonifacia lives her last years in peace. Juan Carlos I don't know. I do not know if a person protected for so long by the soft cushions of adulation has the capacity to examine his conscience, accept his excesses and try to mitigate the damage he has caused to the nation, the monarchy and those of us who trusted him. Or, perhaps, he has simply gone from living in one artificial paradise to another. We'll see.