Spring dish: Freeze asparagus: With these tricks, the stalk vegetables will still taste good months later

The asparagus season is short, but with a simple technique you can enjoy the delicious vegetable long after: freezing.

Spring dish: Freeze asparagus: With these tricks, the stalk vegetables will still taste good months later

The asparagus season is short, but with a simple technique you can enjoy the delicious vegetable long after: freezing. Whether you have fresh asparagus from your own garden or from the market, freezing is a convenient way to preserve flavor and freshness. In this article you will learn how to properly freeze asparagus and how to make the best use of it later.

1. Selecting asparagus: Before you begin freezing, select fresh asparagus. Ideally, the bars should be strong, straight and of uniform thickness. Avoid asparagus with wilted tips or signs of decay.

2. Preparing the asparagus: Peel the asparagus spears thoroughly with a vegetable peeler to remove any possible fibers and ensure an even texture. Break off the ends where the asparagus breaks on its own or cut them about two to three centimeters from the end. This removes any woody bits that could become unpleasant if frozen.

3. Important: do not blanch or boil: When boiling or blanching followed by freezing, asparagus loses its characteristic taste and crunchy texture.

4. Packaging for freezing: Place the asparagus in suitable packaging for freezing. Vacuum bags are best. The reason: A vacuum sealer offers a variety of benefits that can improve your food storage. First of all, it significantly extends the shelf life of food. By removing air from packaging, oxidation is slowed, helping food stay fresh longer and be stored longer. A vacuum sealer also offers protection against freezer burn. Freezing food without air in the packaging significantly reduces the risk of freezer burn, which in turn results in better quality food when thawed. Another plus point is the space saving.

Vacuum-packed foods take up less space in the freezer or refrigerator because the packages are compact and the air has been removed. This allows for more efficient use of the available storage space. In addition, vacuum sealing offers effective aroma protection. Because there is less air to absorb or displace flavors, the flavor nuances of the food are better preserved. This helps ensure your dishes stay fresh and flavorful even after defrosting. Alternatively, you can also use airtight containers. Don't forget to label the packaging material and indicate the date of freezing.

5. Freezing the asparagus: Place the packaged asparagus portions in your freezer. Make sure they lie flat so they freeze evenly. The optimal storage temperature for asparagus is -18°C or colder.

6. Using the frozen asparagus: Frozen asparagus can last for eight to twelve months. To use, thaw slowly in the refrigerator to ensure even defrosting. Avoid thawing the asparagus at room temperature as this can increase the risk of bacterial growth. Once the asparagus has thawed, you can cook it according to your preferences. The best way to do this is to use an asparagus cooking pot, which can also be used excellently for cooking pasta. The asparagus from the freezer is ideal for soups, stir-fries, salads or as a side dish with meat and fish dishes.

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By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the delicious taste and freshness of asparagus all year round. Whether you serve it fresh or use it in your favorite dishes, frozen asparagus is a convenient and delicious option for any meal plan.

Sources: “Öko-Test”

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