How the Parliament on his first day in front of empty stands denied

It is a first for anyone in the Parliament . All speech duels, vicious and aggrieved responses of the next three weeks will go in front of empty stands on the

How the Parliament on his first day in front of empty stands denied

It is a first for anyone in the Parliament . All speech duels, vicious and aggrieved responses of the next three weeks will go in front of empty stands on the Federal stage. The usual Curious in the stands, the dozens of school classes, the guests of the members of the Council: all the load of the hosts, unloaded due to the Corona-crisis, for security reasons.

A state of emergency, the required, nevertheless, to normal operation, but serious business on the agenda of the Federal councils. This can work, especially on this Monday, the first day of the Session? The Protocol:

14.00 PM. The Big Crowds. because Of the almost extinct house: In the foyer of the Parliament building feels like battalions of media is bustling with workers. You want to finally see what there is to see this time. In the air, plumes of disinfectant alcohol and a hint of disaster tourism.

14.15. Laughing at the start. councils nationally and councils in a meeting, laughing at because of the from the Council office imposed hands shaking ban. If she was worried? No, says the Zurich-based free-thinking Regine Sauter, "although I have a cold after sessions often, because I was attached to". SVP-husband, Hans-Ueli Vogt would cancel the Session rather, has decided against a request of their own. The place of Mattea Meyer, candidate for the SP Bureau, remains empty: illness in the family. Short Scare. Just the flu, it means then.

14.30 PM. The missing bell. President of the Austrian Parliament Isabelle Moret (FDP) wants to usher in the Session. However, the provided bell is not on the Präsidentenpult, is nowhere to be found. No connection with Corona, of course – and yet, suitable to the impression of the Unfinished and Improvised, the shapes, the Setting of these days. To ring instead, claps Moret, finally, firmly in the hands.

14.31 PM. Clarification of an error. Isabelle Moret opened the Session with, of course, talk to the Corona-crisis. One learns, among other things, that the visit does not ban primary fear was adopted with a view to the health of the Parliament. The concern of the Ratsbüros was, according to Moret, rather, visitors. This would otherwise be a narrow large pushed laid routes through Switzerland together, and in the stands they were sat, once again, no longer close to each other.

Embarrassed Gefeixe, Corona kidding, buddy-like fists and Kicking.

14.45. The joke in the obituary. the President of The Council read out an obituary on the recently deceased Martin Bundi, Grisons SP-national councillor from 1975 to 1995. In obituaries, the present, explicitly including those in the public gallery are asked, usually at the end, to rise for a minute's silence. This time, Moret is the appeal to "colleagues and visitors who are NOT in the stands ..." Soft laughter passes through the room. The attempt at a relaxing joke, of all things, in an obituary, embedded, or rather a slip of the tongue? For posterity immaterial: In the Official Bulletin, which is late in the afternoon online, appears Morets set of joke-adjusted and politically correct ironed to cope.

15.15. The Martullo-Scandal. a Little bit too late Magdalena Martullo a hits-Blocher – as the Only one with a mouth mask. The Prompt is dispatched from the chamber, because masks were not allowed. She wanted to prevent you from infecting yourself with the disease and at the end of their workforce, the Ems-Chemie could infect: it decreed the valiant SVP-national Council member in front of the hastily attached advanced camera crews in the lobby. After all, you could negotiate that you are allowed to Vote again in the hall. The mask in beak shape to wear, continue to, in spite of the unflattering photos, the are already dozens in the network. "Globi in the Federal house," tweeted the comedian Viktor Giacobbo later dry.

16.15. Stöckli makes for hilarity. councillors, the Stands and councils notoriously known for their tendency to skin ceremonies near Welcome, open Session. In turn, embarrassed Gefeixe, Corona kidding, buddy-like fists and Kicking. Also the Council of States President Hans Stöckli (SP) talks about Corona, points to the kiss ban. "Maybe some are glad," he says. "Part joy," as the record later.

16.30 PM. Stop for journalists. The services that the access restrictions continue to be tightened, and for the journalists. The facilitated days of accreditation for the media is no longer granted immediately. Only accredited and that it is not inside and all of the lobbyists with access badge.

18.50 PM. The end . Council President Moret decides on the first day of this unusual Session. One day, the bourgeois majority in the national Council recessed, among other things, stricter rules against money laundering – against the will of the Federal Council, and against the fierce resistance of the Left, which speaks of an "incomprehensible decision". A day, the majority on the Council a tax deduction for the company created, were fined abroad – in turn, against the opposition of the Left, which is a "hypocritical double standard" (Prisca Birrer-Heimo, SP) defendant.

normal operating condition in spite of the exception? There you go.

Created: 03.03.2020, 00:07 PM

Date Of Update: 03 March 2020, 08:01