'The era of fear' and 'The House of Bernarda Alba' star in the nerves of the post-pandemic Canarian EBAU

«The feeling of having entered dystopian times had not been exhausted by the coronavirus.

'The era of fear' and 'The House of Bernarda Alba' star in the nerves of the post-pandemic Canarian EBAU

«The feeling of having entered dystopian times had not been exhausted by the coronavirus. Now we observe, horrified, that fate had another even more sinister surprise in store for us”, is how Fernando Vallespín's opinion piece in 'The Age of Fear' anticipates the war in Ukraine. These words were the first to be read by the 5,294 students from the University of La Laguna and the 5,822 from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the first day of the Canarian EBAU.

The article selected for the Canarian EBAU was published on March 6 and with it an extract from 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba' by Federico García Lorca is also bidding, making up the two options to choose from in the Spanish Language and Literature II exam, for students of the science modality, of the Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (EBAU) in the Canary Islands, who have been the first to open the first EBAU without restrictions in two years.

The first test began for students of science modalities at 9:30 a.m. at the University of La Laguna (ULL) and at the ULPGC with Spanish Language and Literature II, continuing at 12 noon with Foreign Language II and at 4 p.m. with History of Spain. This Thursday, the program will be the same for students of humanities, social sciences and art.

In the province of Las Palmas and by branches, 263 (4.52%) correspond to Arts and Humanities, 2,530 (43.46%) to Sciences, 1,680 (28.86%) to Social Sciences, and 688 (11.82 %) to Humanities. 661 who come from Vocational Training (11.35%) and in addition, 117 students with special needs will present themselves.

In the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, for its part, the branch that has had the greatest influx of students is the modality of Sciences, with 2,514 people, followed by Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences with 1,412, as well as Humanities and Social Sciences with 536 and Arts, with 231. By islands, in Tenerife 4,174 people will carry out this phase; in La Palma, 406; in La Gomera, 89; and in El Hierro, 24.