During football broadcast: Sex noises in the live broadcast: Gary Lineker thinks it's funny, his broadcaster BBC doesn't

Unusual accompanying noises caused laughter and irritation at the BBC on Tuesday evening: Experts Gary Lineker in the studio and Alan Shearer in the stadium were clarifying final questions before the start of the cup catch-up game between Liverpool FC and Wolverhampton when loud groans were suddenly heard.

During football broadcast: Sex noises in the live broadcast: Gary Lineker thinks it's funny, his broadcaster BBC doesn't

Unusual accompanying noises caused laughter and irritation at the BBC on Tuesday evening: Experts Gary Lineker in the studio and Alan Shearer in the stadium were clarifying final questions before the start of the cup catch-up game between Liverpool FC and Wolverhampton when loud groans were suddenly heard. A visibly amused Lineker had to laugh and joked that it was getting warm in the studio.

Lineker later tweeted a picture of an old cell phone with scraps of duct tape on it. "Well, we found this taped to the set. As for the sabotage, it was quite amusing," Lineker wrote, garnishing his post with laughing smileys. A Brazilian colleague informed him that in his country this was a common prank called "Whatsapp Moan".

The person responsible for the prank (according to his own statements) was quickly found: Youtuber Jarvo69 was visibly happy about the action in a video together with a fellow campaigner. In the clip he is shown apparently calling the studio phone and playing the sex sounds on another phone. He also shares how they placed the phone in the studio. Below the video, users congratulate Jarvo69 on his successful prank.

While Lineker saw the action with humor, his broadcaster reacted less amused. The BBC apologized for the incidents and announced an investigation. In addition, the broadcaster pointed out in a report on the incident that Jarvo69, who claimed the prank, had a criminal record. Lineker, on the other hand, couldn't quite understand what you now have to apologize for. But the opinions between the expert and his employer simply differ.

If you are still interested in the sport: Liverpool won 1-0.

Sources: BBC, Jarvo69 (Youtube)