They are scammers and exploiting sick people's desperation

Radical Left proposes that quacks in the future should be punished more severely than they are today. today, it is prohibited for quacks to expose their custo

They are scammers and exploiting sick people's desperation

Radical Left proposes that quacks in the future should be punished more severely than they are today.

today, it is prohibited for quacks to expose their customers to the objective danger (f.ex. to give them demonstrably toxic preparations). It is public that they are trying to treat infectious diseases. And so is the public, that they carry out operations.

But it is to the Radical Left, it must also be public for the quacks to treat life-threatening diseases, such as cancer.

It is a really good proposal, which I enthusiastically support.

There is too much respect on the charlatans in our days. Even though they themselves are not to be called quacks and prefer the more honorable designation alternative therapists. But it is to do kvaksalverne too much honor.

They are scammers, who exploit the suffering and sick people's desperation and hope of improvement. Therefore, they must be criticised. Not wrapped in the kind words.

In the best case cheats quacks just desperate people for money. It is hard to imagine anything more contemptible. But it is, after all, only economic values which are lost.

In the more serious cases yanking kvaksalverne seriously ill people to take an ineffective treatment rather than a treatment that can be documented.

London has brought a story about a woman, that of a quack was tricked to let themselves treat the cancer with, among other things sellerijuice and kaffelavementer. The poor man died, of course, since none of the parts will have any negative effect on the tumours.

In my eyes is the worst case of quackery, however, them, that weakens the overall public health.

One of the worst scammers in medical science was the british doctor Andrew Wakefield. In 1998 he published a wholly fraudulent article in which he linked İmajbet the MMR vaccine with autism.

It was later revealed that this correlation was completely fabricated, and Wakefield was deprived the right to practise as a doctor.

But the damage was done: the Parents began to refuse to have their children vaccinated with the MMR vaccine.

Thus is there for the first several people that have got long-lasting problems of the particular mumps, than would have been with the vaccinationsmønster that existed before Wakefield began to spread lies.

secondly, the fact is that people, who for one reason or another can not tolerate to be vaccinated, benefiting from a high vaccination levels in the entire population. It decreases the total risk to be hit by measles, mumps or rubella.

the Proposal to penalize quackery harder than we do today, for the first good, because it forces both patient safety and public health.

But for the second is good, because it marks a more obvious resistance against the irrationality, than we are accustomed to.

the Rationality is one of the most amazing things we humans possess.

Thanks to the rationality we have in the western world than, for example, hygienic, healthy and safe housing. We have good roads and bridges. Efficient means of transport. A great and safe agri-food sector. A health care system that has contributed to raising the average life expectancy significantly. And at the same time has contributed to raising the quality of life in the years we live.

Some times it is as if there is wrinkling on the nose of the rationalitetens efficiency and the alleged boring. It is a mistake. For without it we would have lives that were more dangerous, less convenient and, above all, much shorter than we have today.

Henrik Dahl, Member of Parliament, Liberal Alliance

Henrik Dahl is a trained sociologist and lived in a number of years of writing about society and history. Now, he was sitting in the Danish Parliament for Liberal Alliance, where he is rapporteur in the field of environment, research, integration and bureaucracy.

Date Of Update: 26 November 2019, 14:00