Weather: Warm April farewell: Up to 28.3 degrees in Saxony-Anhalt

The moody month of April in Saxony-Anhalt has said goodbye with summery temperatures.

Weather: Warm April farewell: Up to 28.3 degrees in Saxony-Anhalt

The moody month of April in Saxony-Anhalt has said goodbye with summery temperatures. In some places it was warmer on Tuesday than ever before on April 30th. This emerges from the preliminary measurements from the German Weather Service, which were published in the evening.

The highest temperature was measured at 28.3 degrees in Jeßnitz north of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, followed by Demker in the Stendal district with 28.0 degrees and Köthen with 27.0 degrees. In all three places it was the highest temperature ever recorded on April 30th. 18.0 degrees were measured on the Brocken. In all other places in Saxony-Anhalt the mercury climbed above the 23 degree mark.

The DWD predicts optimal weather for excursions on May 1st: It will be sunny and dry, with maximums of 24 to 28 degrees, in the Harz 19 to 24 degrees. Thursday also gets off to a bright start. A few showers are expected in the Harz and the southern parts of the country in the afternoon and early evening. The maximum values ​​are 23 to 28 degrees, in the Harz 16 to 24 degrees.

DWD forecast for Saxony-Anhalt