Chaos at Stade de France - France is not ready for large events, complain Le Pen & Melenchon

The RTL-Le Figaro–LCI Grand Jury asked Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, if he felt humiliated because he was being watched by the entire world.

Chaos at Stade de France - France is not ready for large events, complain Le Pen & Melenchon

The RTL-Le Figaro–LCI Grand Jury asked Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, if he felt humiliated because he was being watched by the entire world. All capitals that have witnessed this have discovered that France is no longer able organize large demonstrations without them degenerating.

It is a confirmation that our state is falling under our feet. This is the truth. The truth is that we don't know how to organize large events, even though there are the Olympic Games within 18 months. This is very worrying," "added the presidential finalist. He denounced the "incompetence", of Gerald Darmanin, the Interior Minister, and Didier Lallement, the Paris police prefect.

Observation similar to that of La France Insoumise's leader: "The image, which is lamentable and it is concerning because we can clearly see we aren't prepared for events such as the Olympic Games," Jean-Luc Melenchon said on BFM TV.

He said that it was a complete failure in policing strategy. "There needs to be a fundamental reflection on how to get the French police back into a system that makes them effective," Mr. Melenchon stated.

Real Madrid beat Liverpool (1-0) to win the European Football Cup. The match started at the top of European football. It was delayed for more than 30 minutes because of scenes of chaos and crowd intrusions outside the stadium.

Both politicians disagree on the source of the slippages. Ms Le Pen believes that the Stade de France was located in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. The disorganization, for which organizers will need to provide explanations, and then partly by traditional delinquency, led to "that at every event this one becomes a riot, an attempt of looting."

Jean-Luc Melenchon mocked the far right, calling it "the usual racist refrain". He insisted that the problem was the doctrine of the employment law enforcement.