Instead of Hartz IV: single people should receive 502 euros per month citizen money

According to plans by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, the standard rate for the new basic income should be EUR 502 per month for single adults.

Instead of Hartz IV: single people should receive 502 euros per month citizen money

According to plans by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, the standard rate for the new basic income should be EUR 502 per month for single adults. This is intended to increase the previous Hartz IV rate by more than 50 euros from January 1, 2023, the editorial network Germany (RND) reported at the weekend based on a draft by the ministry. A ministry spokeswoman confirmed the planned amounts of the German Press Agency. At the same time, she referred to the ongoing departmental coordination within the red-green-yellow federal government.

For adult partners there should be a standard rate of 451 euros per month. For children aged 14 to 17, 420 euros are provided. It should be 348 euros for 6 to 13 year olds and 318 euros for up to 5 year olds. The new citizens' allowance is to replace the current Hartz IV on January 1, 2023.

Heil is confident

Federal Minister of Social Affairs Hubertus Heil (SPD) told the "Braunschweiger Zeitung" on Saturday evening: "We have sent the draft to the ministries." Wednesday is crucial, because then the federal cabinet will discuss the draft. "I am confident that it will work," said the minister. The introduction of citizen income is one of the most important socio-political projects of the traffic light coalition.

The liberals had warned in the summer that citizen income should not become an unconditional basic income. On Sunday, the FDP said that Heil's proposal would be examined. One requirement is: "There must always be a sufficient distance to the employed."

Rule rates adjusted for inflation

The MP Jens Teutrine, who is responsible for citizen income in the FDP parliamentary group, said on request: "The standard rates of basic security are correctly adjusted to inflation every year on January 1st." With the current price explosions, this is already leading to a significant increase. "In times of labor and skilled labor shortages, however, an increase in the standard rates beyond the inflation adjustment would send the wrong signal."

Green parliamentary group leader Britta Haßelmann said: "The now planned amount of 502 euros for single people is the largest increase since the introduction of Hartz IV." But it is only one component of this reform. "It is important to us Greens that the new basic income enables social and cultural participation and strengthens people's potential. This also includes help and support for further training, qualification and sustainable integration into the labor market."

After 18 years, Hartz IV is over

According to the plans of the traffic light coalition, Hartz IV should be history after 18 years. The name Hartz IV goes back to a commission headed by former VW manager Peter Hartz. Because of the very high unemployment figures at the time, she drew up proposals for labor market and social reforms for the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD). The result was, among other things, more pressure on the unemployed who were able to work.

For the SPD, the reform is still a kind of trauma. This was followed by protests and later the unification of the PDS, which was largely anchored in the East, with the Alternative Work and Social Justice (WASG) to form the Left Party. The SPD had already decided to abandon Hartz IV at a party conference in 2019. In the grand coalition, however, Heil had no chance as Minister of Labor.