Polizeiinspektion Sankt Ingbert: road accident with injured bike riders

The Locality was visited by a command of the above-mentioned service. In this case, the Bicycle rider was already in an ambulance, and was only supplied. Acco

Polizeiinspektion Sankt Ingbert: road accident with injured bike riders

The Locality was visited by a command of the above-mentioned service. In this case, the Bicycle rider was already in an ambulance, and was only supplied.

According to the current state of knowledge, it was the 22-year-old Bicycle rider from St. Ingbert, Germany first of all, in a Bus, from which he will take you and your bike to a nearby bus stop, exit. After getting Off the bike driver got on his bike and drove on the sidewalk in the direction of Sulzbach. The 85-year-old driver from Sulzbach went to the dudweiler straße from the direction of Sulzbach coming and wanted to turn to the left in the slag mountain road.

Both the Bicycle rider (from the pavement) as well as the driver headed into the result in the mouth area and collided with each other. The bike rider was charged on the windshield, injured and in a nearby hospital.

The car of the 85-Year-old wasn't ready for more driving, because the windshield was full of cracks. During the accident, a Bus with passengers was above the bus station.

Should someone have the traffic accident was observed and details of the accident can make the sequence of events, will be asked to feedback to the police inspection St. Ingbert phone number 06894/1090.

questions from media representatives, please contact:

Polizeiinspektion Sankt Ingbert IGB - DGL Kaiser Strasse 48 66386 St. Ingbert phone: 06894-1090 E-Mail: pi-st-ingbert@polizei.slpol.de Internet: www.polizei.saarland.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/polizeisaarland?lang=de Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/Polizei.Saarland

Additional Material: OTS: Polizeiinspektion Sankt Ingbert

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Date Of Update: 03 July 2020, 04:27