Recommendation instead of obligation: Schleswig-Holstein will end the obligation to wear masks on buses and trains from January 1st

From January 1, 2023, masks will no longer be compulsory on buses and trains in Schleswig-Holstein.

Recommendation instead of obligation: Schleswig-Holstein will end the obligation to wear masks on buses and trains from January 1st

From January 1, 2023, masks will no longer be compulsory on buses and trains in Schleswig-Holstein. This was announced by Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) on Monday in Kiel. After another consultation with the Corona Expert Council, the state government has agreed to phase out the obligation to wear a mask in local transport. "We continue on the path towards normality," said Günther.

"For us it was and is always important and decisive: as much restriction as necessary, as much freedom as possible," said the CDU politician. According to a statement, the state government is relying on more personal responsibility, mutual consideration and common sense as the most important means against Corona.

Instead of a mask requirement, there should only be a recommendation. In view of the current wave of illnesses, the state government still advises risk groups to wear masks indoors. This recommendation also applies to people who are in close contact with risk groups or who have cold symptoms.

"After consulting our team of experts, we have agreed not to extend the mask requirement in public transport," said Deputy Prime Minister Monika Heinold (B'90/Die Grünen). "The ordinance expires at the end of the year. At the same time, we know that wearing a mask can protect yourself and others from infectious diseases. We therefore recommend that you decide to wear a mask depending on the situation and on your own responsibility if it is a considered useful and necessary."

According to Health Minister Kerstin von der Decken (CDU), the corona virus only plays a minor role in the current wave of illness. "The mutated virus also hits a population that has now been largely immunized by vaccination and infections, so that the course of the disease is predominantly mild." Other respiratory diseases could not be used to justify state corona protection measures. "However, everyone can effectively protect themselves against the influenza, RS or other viruses that are currently circulating: through practiced hygiene rules, voluntary wearing of a mask and taking advantage of vaccination offers such as flu vaccinations from general practitioners and in our vaccination centers."

The state government wants to decide and announce the changes before Christmas. All other existing Corona rules should remain in place. For people who have tested positive, the following still applies: stay at home if you have symptoms. People without symptoms must wear a mask indoors outside their own home for five days, and during this period they are not allowed to enter medical and nursing facilities, work in nursing homes or visit crowds such as Christmas markets.

Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt have already abolished the obligation to wear masks in local transport, and in some countries there is no longer an obligation to isolate people with Covid 19 diseases.