Pandemic: Jana Ina Zarrella: Finally another birthday with the family

The Brazilian presenter and singer Jana Ina Zarrella (46) spent her birthday with her mother and brother for the first time since the corona pandemic.

Pandemic: Jana Ina Zarrella: Finally another birthday with the family

The Brazilian presenter and singer Jana Ina Zarrella (46) spent her birthday with her mother and brother for the first time since the corona pandemic. "The first birthday together with everyone again, it was really nice," she told the German Press Agency at an event organized by the Düsseldorf animal table.

Due to the strict entry and exit regulations in Brazil and Germany, she was unable to see the two for around two years. Zarrella said that the pandemic has changed a lot in us and that's why she only wants to be with people who love her and who are good for her. That's why she celebrated her birthday on Monday this year again harmoniously with all her loved ones at a dinner.

The 46-year-old is also particularly pleased that her brother Leonardo now lives in Germany and supports her in her work. "I've been in Germany for almost 23 years and now I have a piece of my family with me - that's really nice."