Psychology: How we discover our hidden talents - and use them for our jobs and everyday life

From a psychological perspective, the word talent primarily describes the predisposition for special abilities.

Psychology: How we discover our hidden talents - and use them for our jobs and everyday life

From a psychological perspective, the word talent primarily describes the predisposition for special abilities. Sure, there are people who have a musical talent or a particularly athletic physique. And yet it is highly uncertain whether they will become a star violinist or a world-class sprinter. Without practice, even the best systems aren't worth much. Studies have shown that our talents only develop into excellence with around 10,000 hours of practice.

That means the star violinist has practiced three hours a day for at least ten years - and so have you - yes, you! – you can become pretty good at something if you practice it for a long time. You just have to know what it is supposed to be first.

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