Emergencies: Arian still missing - search with a human chain

Even at night, the search for six-year-old Arian from Bremervörde-Elm in Lower Saxony was unsuccessful.

Emergencies: Arian still missing - search with a human chain

Even at night, the search for six-year-old Arian from Bremervörde-Elm in Lower Saxony was unsuccessful. “There are no new findings from the night,” said a police spokeswoman early in the morning. An exploration of the area with a large coordinated human chain is planned today.

Previously, the search was carried out in smaller groups, among other things. It is planned that around 800 emergency services will now look for the boy. The logistics of getting all helpers from the fire department, THW, rescue workers and the Bundeswehr to the scene were enormous, said the police spokeswoman.

Arian, who police say is autistic, has been missing since Monday evening. He had left his parents' house unnoticed. Since then, hundreds of emergency services have been searching the six-year-old's hometown and the surrounding area. A surveillance camera recorded the boy running into a neighboring forest after his disappearance.

During the night, the emergency services searched for Arian again using the so-called quiet strategy. According to police, this was discussed with an autism expert. Beforehand, among other things, loud music was played or fireworks were set off because the boy liked it.