Defense: Pistorius learns about Arrow missile defense site

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) finds out about the requirements for the rapid construction of the planned Arrow air defense system.

Defense: Pistorius learns about Arrow missile defense site

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) finds out about the requirements for the rapid construction of the planned Arrow air defense system. The SPD politician arrived on Monday for a visit to the Holzdorf air base, where the Prime Ministers of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), and Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), were also expected. The military airfield is on the border of both federal states.

The federal government wants to procure the Arrow air defense system from Israel in order to be able to neutralize incoming rockets at high altitudes. Holzdorf will be the first of three locations for fire units in Germany. The visit also deals with the planned stationing of new heavy transport helicopters for the Bundeswehr. The two major projects will make Holzdorf one of the most important air force locations in Germany.