Bremen: For burglary at a jeweler: perpetrators push through the walls of several shops

Hairdresser, key service, travel agency and health food store - thieves broke through the walls of several shops on their way to a jeweler in Bremen.

Bremen: For burglary at a jeweler: perpetrators push through the walls of several shops

Hairdresser, key service, travel agency and health food store - thieves broke through the walls of several shops on their way to a jeweler in Bremen. They stole jewelry from the showcases at the weekend and fled, the police said on Monday. The investigators put the damage to property alone in a five-digit amount. The amount of the loot has yet to be determined, said the police spokesman.

According to initial findings, the perpetrators first levered open the front door of a hairdresser's shop in a shopping center in the Huchting district. In the salon they broke through the partition to a key service. From there they made their way to a neighboring travel agency and then pushed themselves through the walls of a health food store. The wall of the jeweler was also damaged with a drill so that they came to the showcases.

Police are looking for witnesses who saw suspicious people or vehicles around the mall over the weekend. According to the police spokesman, it must have been a long-planned and well thought-out act. The permanent criminal service takes tips on 0421/362-3888.

Further source: Police Bremen.