Police inspection of nine churches: car damaged and took off

The driver of the vehicle continued its journey unperturbed. This vehicle should have Saarlouiser circular plate and of a dark color. questions from media rep

Police inspection of nine churches: car damaged and took off

The driver of the vehicle continued its journey unperturbed. This vehicle should have Saarlouiser circular plate and of a dark color.

questions from media representatives, please contact:

police inspection nine churches NK - ESD Gerd Mlter, CHD Falk road 11 66538 Neunkirchen phone: 06821/2030 E-Mail: pi-neunkirchen@polizei.slpol.de Internet: www.polizei.saarland.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/polizeisaarland?lang=de Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/Polizei.Saarland

Additional Material: OTS: police inspection, nine churches

Original Content from: police inspection, nine churches, transmitted by news aktuell

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police inspection Neunkirchen/news aktuell

Date Of Update: 12 August 2020, 19:26