Hamburg: No new Corona infections in Hamburg

The number of since the outbreak of the pandemic in the city of positively tested people decreased after a bug fixes to an on 5231, such as the health authority

Hamburg: No new Corona infections in Hamburg

The number of since the outbreak of the pandemic in the city of positively tested people decreased after a bug fixes to an on 5231, such as the health authority announced on Thursday. Around 4900 of them can be regarded, according to estimates of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as a recover. No change in the number of the Corona of the dead remained: According to the Institute for legal medicine at the University hospital Eppendorf died in Hamburg so far, 231 people Covid-19. The RKI, the captured regardless of the cause of death of all those infected with the Virus dead, comes to 261. 0.3 new infections per 100 000 people within seven days, the infection is done in Hamburg, not far below the limit of 50 new infections, the Senate of new restrictions to curb the pandemic would have to advise.


Date Of Update: 16 July 2020, 07:27