Golf driver plows into Parking Bay and caused serious Crash: fire caused great alarm

The road accident happened directly in front of an Edeka supermarket. Whether it is an accident as a result of a One - or pull-out experiment, it is so far uncl

Golf driver plows into Parking Bay and caused serious Crash: fire caused great alarm

The road accident happened directly in front of an Edeka supermarket. Whether it is an accident as a result of a One - or pull-out experiment, it is so far unclear. In the accident vehicle, several bottles of alcohol were found containing drinks.

witnesses report that a huge luck needs to be addressed, as there are no passers-by have been recognized by the vehicle. The vehicle is to be several meters in an uncontrolled manner through the Parking Bay crashed, before it crashed into a Skoda and this came to a halt.

The fire caused great alarm. Initially, it was unclear whether the injured man trapped in his Golf and responsive. For this reason, the professional fire brigades and voluntary fire brigade and the rescue service was on the way to the Eimsbütteler Chaussee. Fortunately, was quickly, that the driver is not trapped in the car.

He was rescued by firefighters from the vehicle, and at the place of use of an ambulance was spotted and rescue service care. Then, he was taken under Emergency medical assistance in a nearby hospital.


Date Of Update: 11 July 2020, 20:26