District police authority in Borken: Another tool theft from company vehicle

saws of various kinds were the prey of the bohnenkamp road in the town of Stadtlohn. An unknown person had opened the rear door of a commercial vehicle by means

District police authority in Borken: Another tool theft from company vehicle

saws of various kinds were the prey of the bohnenkamp road in the town of Stadtlohn. An unknown person had opened the rear door of a commercial vehicle by means of a "Palace jump" violently, and the tool is stolen. The fact must have in the time of Monday, 20.00, up to Saturday, 06.30 PM, or so. The damage is estimated at a total of around 2,000 euros. Information, please contact the police Ahaus Tel. (02561) 9260.

Link to the previous press release: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/24843/4618610 https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/24843/4618605

contact for media representatives:

district police authority of Borken Borken Dietmar Brüning phone: 49 (0) 2861-900 2202 https://borken.polizei.nrw

Additional Material: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/24843/4619544 OTS: district police authority of Borken

Original Content of the police authority, submitted by news aktuell

This post is provided by: District police authority of Borken in the news currently. An editorial review by FOCUS Online has not taken place.

district police authority of Borken in the news currently

Date Of Update: 10 June 2020, 07:26