Bundesliga: Majority for longer winter break to save energy

The majority of Germans would like an extended winter break so that heating and electricity costs for the Bundesliga can be saved.

Bundesliga: Majority for longer winter break to save energy

The majority of Germans would like an extended winter break so that heating and electricity costs for the Bundesliga can be saved.

According to a representative survey by the opinion research institute Yougov on behalf of the German Press Agency, around 58 percent of those surveyed agreed to a longer interruption of the season.

A good third of them consider such a measure to be "definitely" necessary in order to reduce energy consumption, for example for floodlights and lawn heating. 21 percent of those surveyed rejected a longer winter break. 22 percent did not provide any information.

A clear majority would also support switching the game operations in German football to a season from spring to autumn if energy costs could be saved. 34 percent see "definitely" as the right way, 27 percent answered "rather yes" to a corresponding question. Accordingly, 17 percent of Germans reject a changed seasonal rhythm.

In some countries, such as Sweden and Norway, the professional football season starts in March or April and ends in November. Play is suspended during the particularly cold season. In German football, on the other hand, as in many other European leagues, there are longer breaks in the summer and games are also played in the winter months.