Which famous Nazi battleship holds up today, the sovereignty at sea?

early on the Morning of 24. May, the "Bismarck" on the "HMS Hood" hits of 1941, to the southwest of the Island, the tension is almost a tangible phenomenon.

Which famous Nazi battleship holds up today, the sovereignty at sea?

early on the Morning of 24. May, the "Bismarck" on the "HMS Hood" hits of 1941, to the southwest of the Island, the tension is almost a tangible phenomenon. It is a question of the supremacy in the North Atlantic. The largest battle ship of the German Navy encounters the flagship of the British Royal Navy and both sides know that Only one ship will survive this day. The British opened fire at 5:52 PM. Three minutes pass before the Germans shoot back, but then everything goes quickly: the third salvo of the Bismarck is a hit. The fifth salvo rips the HMS Hood literally in pieces. Six minutes later, the Pride of the British Navy sinks to the bottom. 1.418 sailors die. After the crushing defeat of the "HMS Hood" is the British Navy leadership initially in a state of shock. However, it quickly becomes clear: the "Bismarck" is damaged.

Traitorous radio

During the 250-Meter giant with a flip side in the direction of German-occupied France, navigated, pulling the Royal Navy out all the stops: Five big battleships, two battle cruisers, two aircraft carriers, 13 cruisers, 33 destroyers and eight submarines, the persecution of the German battle ship to take. And actually, the "Bismarck would escape" their pursuers even almost. However, after captain Ernst Lindemann had suspended the British squadron with a risky turning manoeuvre successfully breaks the lock, also on Board, accompanying Admiral Günther Lütjens, the Radio – and thus making it possible for the British localisation experts, to determine the Position of the Bismarck again. The British circles of the German battleship. Shortly after, a Torpedo hits the "Bismarck" at the helm. It is your death sentence: Three days after the sinking of the "HMS Hood" shot the disabled "Bismarck" in a 90-minute battle to the southwest of Ireland, with 2876 ship grenades, and eleven torpedoes "together" and decreases of 4,800 meters deep to the bottom of the Atlantic. 2.104 people die.

Historical classification

For many historians marked the sinking of the Bismarck, the Failure of Hitler's naval war plans and, therefore, a decisive turning point in the 2. World war. A heavy German Navy ceased to exist after that day practically. And only against this Background, the allies three years, could be risking a later Invasion of the European mainland, which we know today as D-Day. 78 years later, the coordinates are 48° 10‘ North, 16° 12‘ West is still an important site of German history – so important, that the wreck of the Bismarck is almost classified to five kilometers under the sea level on the charts as a German territory.

This article was written by world of wonder magazine

*The post "Which famous Nazi battleship holds up today, the sovereignty at sea?" published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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Date Of Update: 08 July 2020, 16:27