What welding do excessive Body?

The human body is a powerful Machine. Each muscle resembles a small power station: It generates energy by burning calories. However, in the case of athletic per

What welding do excessive Body?

The human body is a powerful Machine. Each muscle resembles a small power station: It generates energy by burning calories. However, in the case of athletic performance, the temperature shall not rise above 37 degrees. Therefore, we have to protect a body's own air conditioning system: sweat. Welding the coolant of the body and consists of 99 percent water. The Rest of the minerals and organic substances form. Per hour trained athletes sweat up to two liters.

The air-conditioning of the body

the body is sweat but What if, even without effort? About a Million Federal citizens suffer from the disease, hyperhidrosis, translates to "a lot of schwitzerei". Your body produces perspiration in Streams, and loses several liters of fluid per day. The cause is usually in the nervous system. In a lot of schwitzern the Thermostat in the brain – the Hypothalamus is set incorrectly: in error, he gives the command for cooling and makes the body sweat. In some of the caves are next to the armpit, too, especially the hands affected. These are constantly wet and cold. Many Affected avoid contact with other people and isolate themselves.A little successful method to combat pathological sweating of the hands and feet, is the "iontophoresis", the Strombad. This method blocks the crazy game of nerves with the same power. The tiny electric shocks are barely noticeable. The disadvantage is that The therapy must initially be carried out daily and the effect can be from time to Time. However, the funds only pay this standard method.

lethal injection under the skin

As an effective means against the flow of Sweat in the armpits has proven to be amazing, the nerve poison botulinum toxin, Botox briefly, way. The doctor injected it in extreme dilution under the skin. In order to distribute it equally, he records the injection places. Depending on the size of the affected Region for up to fifty part of painful punctures are necessary. However, the success of comfort over the pain: The poison blocks the übererreg Baren nerves, dry up the sweat glands, the skin is dry. Unfortunately, the result holds only four to six months.Permanent cure from the armpit sweat is just a surgical procedure. The method of operation of the sweat glands extraction is essentially similar to the liposuction. In the process, the doctor injected first, a local anesthetic, the liquefied at the same time, the top layer of fat under the skin. Here is a large part of the sweat sitting glands. With a thick special needle, the doctor sucks the liquid mass then. Following the treatment must be prevented, that blood is running in the used tissue and leads to swelling. Therefore, the Patient gets a pressure bandage, which compresses the armpit for about three weeks.

exclude Other diseases

But be careful: Excessive sweating can also be caused by other diseases triggered. These include obesity, Diabetes, hyperthyroidism or similar diseases in the Hormone balance include. This should always be done by a physician are clarified. None of these causes can be ascertained, must be presumed to be a malfunction of the nerves.

This article was written by world of wonder

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Date Of Update: 12 June 2020, 07:26