Fried - The Politics Column: Friedrich Merz as Jamaica Chancellor? Why this is not a matter of course

Recently, when it was not yet clear whether Olaf Scholz would deliver battle tanks to Ukraine, the CDU had an idea.

Fried - The Politics Column: Friedrich Merz as Jamaica Chancellor? Why this is not a matter of course

Recently, when it was not yet clear whether Olaf Scholz would deliver battle tanks to Ukraine, the CDU had an idea. Thorsten Frei, after all the not insignificant parliamentary secretary of the Union faction, turned to the Greens and Liberals, whom he believed the chancellor was too hesitant for. Frei encouraged her to break the coalition. The traffic light partners of the SPD should "finally act consistently and look for a fresh start under different circumstances," said Frei. He proposed a Union-led Jamaica coalition.

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