Former FDP politician: She was one of the most famous women in the FDP: what does Katja Suding actually do?

Ms Suding, your party friend Silvana Koch-Netzin has just written in her book about picking on the FDP.

Former FDP politician: She was one of the most famous women in the FDP: what does Katja Suding actually do?

Ms Suding, your party friend Silvana Koch-Netzin has just written in her book about picking on the FDP. Did you experience that too? I know that it exists in politics and also in the party. But I haven't had any problems with that.

But in your farewell speech you spoke of the "deepest human abyss". That has nothing to do with it. It was about hostility and baseness in inner-party cooperation. It was an interaction I had never known before.

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