Söder shoots in the TV against Corona-deniers: My urgent appeal: also, mentally keep your distance

you know the future 2? Sounds complicated, but is actually quite simple. Transferred to CSU leader Markus Söder, it looks like this: I'm going to have brought

Söder shoots in the TV against Corona-deniers: My urgent appeal: also, mentally keep your distance

you know the future 2? Sounds complicated, but is actually quite simple. Transferred to CSU leader Markus Söder, it looks like this: I'm going to have brought to the chancellorship. Futur 2, the German time is the form for the future perfect. A little bit of the beginning of the conversation between Markus Söder and presenter Oliver Köhr how the played Futur 2 acts – who will be at the end of Chancellor?

place in Bavaria? Place in Bayern!

Moderator Köhr starts swinging. "Mr Söder, we want to bring it right behind us: Or do you want to say that your place in Bavaria?" Söder smiles, you do not want to hear the standard answer, and he tells you: "My place is in Bavaria." No one believes seriously that the politician is with the most of the opportunities now elicit that he throws his hat in the Ring.

Merz, uh, March: Why Markus Söder of the election campaign later want to have

of The (still) Bavarian Prime Minister wants to prolong the election period. "I think Corona moves everything, and that we need to rethink all of the time axes." Because: "it is Clear, however, that we probably have a new second wave. And that we are challenged in the next few months.“ When would be the right Moment for a determination of the candidate for Chancellor? "Maybe March would be good." Spoken you can't tell really, but the truth is, Söder has not meant, Friedrich Merz, but the month in 2021. Is the Union perfect? "The current poll numbers are due to the Chancellor", is the Bayer. And: "Everyone who believes, to surf with these survey values to the Chancellery, of the need to consider how it goes." FOCUS Online

More Infected – Berlin makes it

Because of COVID-19 the Chancellor candidacy routes? It's about the growing Infected Numbers in Germany. On Saturday, about 20,000 people in Berlin demonstrated against the limitations due to Corona – without distance, without a mask. Would you may not so approve a Demonstration at all?

No distance, no mask – in the future, with fine punished. Or with the Virus

Söder no understanding for such events: "I can't accept that!"

And says: "Is this really such a huge restriction of freedom?", ask Söder and means, of course, rhetorical. On such Demos, marched to the extreme right, extreme Left, world conspiracy theorists. The CSU chief is in the "summer interview" clearly: "My urgent appeal: Not only physical distance, but mental distance." He calls it not so, but means are Covidioten! He goes further: "he Who makes a mandatory test, or who violate deliberately against the rules, must reckon with a fine." And a contagion. dpa Söder in front of the Reichstag. Too soft?

The presenter is trying, the contest between Markus Söder and Armin Laschet to fuel gently. "In the last few months, there was a race to competition: the one Who loosens up the fastest?" And: "Have responded to the other States as too lax?" The Moderator pauses and laughs after the word lax. The tab Laschet is meant to be. But Söder is deliberate and does not even attempt to jump over this verbal sticks.

"test Rather more than less." Just because the state of Covid-19 was affected the most. 51.000 Infected, so, in proportion, significantly more Sick than in North Rhine-Westphalia, ruled by Armin Laschet.

Hard dog or Correct the animal?

Moderator Oliver Köhr tested the firmness of Markus Söder. "Now here is the hard dog", he posits. But in the past – in the case of the refugee issue or a climate policy – "it was so that they had to correct". Söder cool person to talk to there, too: "First of all, I am very friendly, also to the question now," he says. And then very calmly back: "you Know, I admire people who believe that you could have your life the same opinion." No matter what is happening around these people, they remained in their mind. These people would ultimately get problems. "Because we need to face up to the challenges."

the big wave of unemployment is yet to Come?

A major challenge to the economic consequences were. Söder: "I am in favour of extending short-time work for as long as possible." A result of a wave of unemployment, want to know of the Moderator, then it's just a time delay? "I'm not to pessimistic, but I'm not that speaks to the optimism." That doesn't sound like the fast big economic upswing.

Then it must inform the women. According to Söder with ratio

then comes, perhaps, with the women in this country. Whether Söder for a binding quota? Since the hesitates not for a long time. "Yes," he says. "For me, of course."

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The refugee issue complains Merz three Times about the "shame of Europe", FOCUS Online/Wochit At the issue of refugees complains Merz three Times about the "shame of Europe"

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Date Of Update: 02 August 2020, 16:26