TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

Sandra doesn't know what to do.

TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

Sandra doesn't know what to do. She loves Mathias, but feels bad about Bernd. But she avoids Mathias. When she also takes in the injured Bernd, Mathias makes the decision for himself: He leaves the field to Bernd. Sandra feels helpless, what should she do? Feeling pressured by Simon and Dilay, Charlotte declines to submit her design and dress for the lifestyle runway show. Dilay doesn't give up and a fight ensues. While Simon realizes that things are a bit too big for Charlotte, Marvin manages to make Charlotte change her mind.

Eleni's condition for Markus to return to the company is that he takes a step towards Noah. The latter is surprised and delighted when his father suddenly takes an interest in his woodwork. However, when Markus suggests how Noah can get involved in Schwarzbach AG, Noah feels misjudged and distances himself again. When Erik's attempt to invite Ulrike on a date again fails, he's at his wit's end. However, Yvonne has an idea how to crack Ulrike. She plays with Ulrike when they play sports together, in order to casually explain Erik's advantages - especially his loyalty.

Benedikt tries everything to make Ute forgiving and to make it possible to see Matilda again. There are mistakes that cannot be ironed out. Horrified, Paula realizes that she is said to have made André an invalid. Cecilia and Theo can't take away her feelings of guilt either. Lulu can let her feelings run free with Britta of all people. Then she is moved to tears by the contents of a certain package.

Jenny goes through with her plan coldly. Axel feels that his wishes have been achieved. But why can he hardly remember making love to Jenny? Yannick is annoyed by Henning's interference. Why doesn't his family think he's happy with Isabelle? Deniz and Imani are relieved when he can be discharged from the hospital. Deniz would love to work as a coach again.

Sarah is in a tight spot because the caterer has dropped out for her trade fair opening. Erik helps her and he enjoys the relaxed togetherness. When Sarah thanks him, Erik forgets himself for a moment. Laura has to accept that Johanna doesn't want to know anything about her apology, and her mother Yvonne also maintains her distanced attitude.