"Police call 110" from Frankfurt (Oder): A commissioner on the brink: the last case for Adam Raczek

The body of the Polish geologist Magdalena Nowak is found in a forest in Lusatia.

"Police call 110" from Frankfurt (Oder): A commissioner on the brink: the last case for Adam Raczek

The body of the Polish geologist Magdalena Nowak is found in a forest in Lusatia. She was smothered with a plastic bag over her head. Before her death, the 29-year-old had been working on a soil report that was to be used in the renaturation and touristic development of a former lignite opencast mine. Not all residents of the town would have benefited from Nowak's expert opinion. Her friend Tom Grabowski (Patrick Kalupa) would not have been able to implement his planned surf school. But does that make him a killer? Chief Inspector Adam Raczek (Lucas Gregorowicz) and his new colleague Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarczyk) check into a boarding house in the village and begin their investigations. Several men come into their focus. When another female body turns up that was killed in the same way, Raczek and Ross are sure that it must be one and the same perpetrator.

At first glance, they are an unequal duo: On the one hand there is the impulsive chief inspector Adam Raczek, who tends to go it alone, physically tackles a witness in questioning and calls his colleague a "smartass". On the other hand, the sensitive detective candidate Vincent Ross, who puts dark eyeliner on his eyes, wears a faux fur coat and analyzes his counterpart in depth. The film (director: Stephan Rick, script: Peter Dommaschk and Ralf Leuther) takes a lot of time to draw the two characters and thus brings them closer to the viewer. A merit that is probably also due to the two main actors. "We created a number of moments and dialogues on the set that tell a lot more about Vincent and Adam. The template didn't allow for this differentiation," said André Kaczmarczyk, who convincingly embodies Vincent Ross as a gender-fluid investigator. The intense dialogues between Raczek and Ross are among the strongest scenes in the thriller.

Even if the screenwriters tried to keep the viewers on the wrong track or to incorporate new twists: In the end, the case unfortunately remains very transparent from the start.

The collaboration ended before it really began: Earlier this year, Adam Raczek and Vincent Ross investigated together for the first time. Her second case is also her last - actor Lucas Gregorowicz is leaving the crime series at his own request. Newcomer André Kaczmarczyk initially continues on his own. The chief inspector and his young colleague could not become a team in such a short time. This is a pity. Because Vincent Ross is an investigator you want to see more of and who has never existed before in "Police Call 110". Adam Raczek, on the other hand, realizes that it's time for him to say goodbye: he can't control his pill consumption, struggles with insomnia and listlessness. "How long have we been doing this shit here? And has anything changed for the better?" he asks in one scene. Raczek provides the answers himself.

With this case, Lucas Gregorowicz resigns after seven years as Commissioner Adam Raczek. You should not miss that.