Don’t be cruel: Bar owner seeks return of stolen Elvis bust

WEST PEORIA (Ill.) -- A hound dog has taken a Elvis Presley bust out of a Central Illinois saloon.

Don’t be cruel: Bar owner seeks return of stolen Elvis bust

WEST PEORIA (Ill.) -- A hound dog has taken a Elvis Presley bust out of a Central Illinois saloon.

The Peoria Star reported that the King of Rock n'Roll was robbed from the top of Jimmy's Bar in West Peoria sometime between Saturday afternoon & Sunday morning.

Jimmy Spears, bar owner for 39 years, said that "To walk away with that took some guts." The heist was not difficult because he didn't bother to secure anything that he didn't think anyone would want.

Spears claimed that no one has claimed responsibility for the incident or sent a ransom notice. He didn't call police as he didn’t want to disturb officers who might have better things to do. Spears stated that his niece bought the bust at a garage sale about $15 years ago.

Even though Spears doesn't consider himself to be a big Elvis fan, the bust still has enough sentimental value. When its nose was broken by a customer, it was dropped to the ground. A regular did the job and gave Elvis a new nose with glue and paint.

Jimmy's is so desperate to have Elvis back, that they posted this message on the bar's facebook page:

"Elvis has fled the building. Please return him to the person who took him. No questions asked."

He was not seen again as of Thursday morning.