Disco on your face: glitter, glamor and bright colors: the make-up trends of the 80s are celebrating a comeback

"What's new?" Was the question of the season earlier.

Disco on your face: glitter, glamor and bright colors: the make-up trends of the 80s are celebrating a comeback

"What's new?" Was the question of the season earlier. Now it should actually be: "What's old?" The catwalks have been predominantly recycled for years. A bit of the 90s here, currently a lot of the 2000s there. If someone programmed a time machine in the early noughties and wanted to end up in 2022, they would think they got off the wrong way. In terms of fashion, almost everything looks the same. Nostalgia makes you feel good, especially in times of crisis. Old series, old songs, old photos, old trends run on Instagram and Tiktok in the backward-looking endless loop.

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