The ZDF documentary shows the questionable methods of the world's breadwinner, Nestlé

almost a year Ago, a controversial Nestlé Video made the round. Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner stood there next to Nestle Germany CEO Marc-Aurel Boersc

The ZDF documentary shows the questionable methods of the world's breadwinner, Nestlé

almost a year Ago, a controversial Nestlé Video made the round. Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner stood there next to Nestle Germany CEO Marc-Aurel Boersch and praised the largest food company in the world that this wool to reduce its 2000 brands quite a lot of salt, sugar and fat. Some saw in the Nestlé-near CDU-woman Klöckner even surreptitious advertising. After the "big Nestlé Report" of the ZDF, but it is rather misleading advertising.

The Trick: Less salt, more sugar

Nestlé commends itself to ensure that the world's breadwinners have saved in the past decade, with its food, an average of 10 per cent, of salt. In fact, it has increased at the same time, but the proportion of fat and sugar in its products.

Nestlé says it'll do, in order to ensure "consistent quality" stay. The product should be about taste and fat is a flavor carrier. Britta Schautz of the Berlin consumer advice centre, responded: "The Nestlé products are now sweeter and fatter and just other calories." A lousy Trick.

Maggi, Wagner Pizza, Caro-coffee – anywhere Nestlé

The Problem is not that consumers has almost come to Nestlé products in the past. In many sectors of the Swiss group is the market leader. Nestlé's current market value is a whopping 270 billion euros. Nestlé is greater than Volkswagen, Daimler and Deutsche Bank. In 200 countries, Nestlé Goods.

A ZDF-time-taste-Test also shows that a variety of powders and artificial flavoring, our flavor delight substances the nerves and the consumers in the course of the many years of Nestlé products used. The cocoa powder, Nesquik, for example, since 1976, virtually unchanged.

grease the blood vessels

narrows The ZDF documentary shows, however, that many of Nestlé courts to harm a person. The fact is that the number of Obese and Diabetic is increasing around the globe. A Nestlé employee says therefore: "For us, healthy products are very important. We try as broadly as possible!“ What that is supposed to mean.

A nutritional experiment in which a Subject is cooking fresh and other Nestlé products in the morning, noon, and night consumed, illustrates the risk to health. The Nestlé provider had increased in just two weeks, a Kilo of. Your LDL value of the vessels is an indicator of narrowed blood, had deteriorated by 9 percent. Reason for this is that Nestlé products contain a lot of saturated fatty acids. Thus, the risk of disease increases.

The water business of the world group,

Recently, the water business of the global group repeatedly made negative headlines – especially the water-production in Vittel, France. The charge of Nestlé Waters, effective gain of the ground-water resources of the inhabitants relentlessly. One critic claims that the Vosges mountains-the Village, therefore, as from 2050, no reason to water more.

A Nestlé Waters employees is: "We pump more water than it can regenerate. This is nothing New.“ The ground water level is decreasing annually to 30 centimeters. A bore extends up to 250 meters depth. Also, the use of disposable plastic bottles for Nestlé Waters is not an issue. It says: plastic is to transport a good solution to the water. It is easy very easy. In a hidden chamber, German researchers make a unique discovery FOCUS Online In a hidden chamber, German researchers make a unique discovery

Date Of Update: 24 June 2020, 10:28