Large Covid-19-Radar: These Figures reproduction number, death number, and Infected show

the App-users this way, please, to the article with graphics display dissemination of Covid-19 in selected countries, Worldwide have been infected more tha

Large Covid-19-Radar: These Figures reproduction number, death number, and Infected show
  • App-users this way, please, to the article with graphics display
dissemination of Covid-19 in selected countries,

Worldwide have been infected more than six million people with the Coronavirus. At least 6.766.000 cases of infection were reported in 188 countries, according to a census of the Johns Hopkins University officially. The number of people that died as a result of the Virus, reached approximately 395,000 (Stand: 6. June, 15.30).

development of death

figures For the deaths attributable to Covid-19, assigned to Germany to be one of the rear seats. While the curves with the confirmed Corona cases of death increases for countries such as Spain, Italy, France and the United States quickly developed the mortality curve in Germany is moderate, as this graphic shows.

Similar considerations apply to the development of the absolute Corona infections. Here, in particular, a marked and rapid increase of the case falls in the USA, where the novel Coronavirus spread rapidly.

So the States of Covid-19 are affected

Also in Germany, the daily reported new Corona cases. The public life was drastically restricted. Gradually, the strict Corona rules are now relaxed - what applies in which state, read here.

In the provinces is distributed in the Coronavirus is very uneven, as this interactive map shows.

the most affected provinces remain in North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, where the first Covid-19-Patient at the end of January was. Less tense the situation is, however, in the former East Germany, where fewer people live than in the West and South of Germany.

County map shows Covid-19-Hotspots

Local or regional Corona-high-castles, which have many cases, are on the County map of FOCUS Online well - such as the upper Palatinate, a small town of Tirschenreuth on the Czech border.

the Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

How Covid-19 widespread in Germany

As in Germany, happy new year's eve is celebrated and the people welcome in the year 2020, they do not yet sense that at the time as "mysterious lung disease called" pulmonary disease in China in a few weeks, also living in Germany belonging to the head. At the beginning of January, China reports the first case of death due to the up to then unknown lung disease. What comes then, by surprise health experts and politicians around the world.

Only a few weeks later, on January 27. January is confirmed in the upper Bavarian town of Starnberg, the first Corona-infection within Germany. The Patient has is probably a Chinese employee of his company, Webasto, and after returning to China, the Virus has been detected. The next day, three more cases are confirmed, also Webasto employees. The company temporarily closes its Center.

It is the beginning of an epidemic, which has now covered all 16 Federal States.

Since the second week of March, the experts observe numbers also rapidly increasing case. The Covid-19-pandemic expands in Germany with exponential growth. The growth will be within a few days, getting bigger and bigger.

Greater risk of Infection infectious as Influenza or Ebola

In the comparative diseases also shows that with the novel Coronavirus infected Person infects more people than someone who is suffering from Influenza. The so-called basic reproduction number is Covid-19 higher than, for example, in the case of the seasonal flu, or even Ebola, as this interactive graphic shows. A significantly higher risk of contagion than in the case of Corona, on the other hand in the case of measles.

While it is against the Influenza a vaccine exists for the new Coronavirus is still no vaccination. In addition, the incubation time can be up to the training of the first symptoms is significantly longer than in the case of the flu. This is what makes the Virus so dangerous and unpredictable, as this graphic shows.

Why a slowdown of the epidemic is important

never in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany, there was such massive restrictions for the citizens: schools, kindergartens, shops, sports facilities, cafes and Restaurants have had to close - fairs and sport events in a row cancelled. All of this has happened solely for one reason: to curb cases of infection.

The far-reaching Shutdown in public life should raise the awareness of the citizens in Germany for "Social Distancing". The only way the exponential growth of the number of the Corona can be Infected to slow down, as the chart below shows. Because one wants to avoid Germany's mandatory: States, as in Italy, where people, who are suffering from Coronavirus, in makeshift hospital tents were killed and the hospitals were in some places completely swamped.

reproduction number in Germany 1,0

The health authorities in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 301 Corona-infections within one day reported. To have been infected since the beginning of the Corona-crisis 183 979 people in Germany demonstrated that Sars-CoV-2, as the RKI reported early Sunday morning (data 07.06. 0 PM).

so Far died, according to the RKI in Germany Infected 8668 confirmed with the Virus, so that the number of reported deaths increased within 24 hours to 22. About 169 100 people have survived the infection, according to the RKI estimates, which are 300 more than the day before.

The reproduction number , in short, R-value, according to the latest RKI data below the critical level of 1.0, namely, in the case of 0,87 (data 6.6. 0 PM). This means that an Infected person infects on average less than one other Person. The R-value in each case forms the infection from happening about a week and a half before. On the day before he was 0,68. "We did not expect": Lauterbach, admits false acceptance of a FOCUS Online/Wochit "So we did not expect": Lauterbach false assumption admits a

The RKI had stated that the R-respond value to pay is sensitive to short-term Changes in the case, they can be caused to happen such as a single outbreak. In particular, in the case of a total reduction of the number of new cases this could lead to relatively large fluctuations.

Since mid-may, the RKI is also a so-called Seven-days-R. It refers to a longer period of time and is therefore subject to less current fluctuations. According to the RKI estimates of this value (as 6.6 was. 0 hours), and at 0.89 (previous day: 0,83). He shows that the Infection occurred from 8 to 16 days.

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Date Of Update: 07 June 2020, 18:27