taz column about police: Seehofer, the author threatens with display - Unspeakable article | policy

interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to put a complaint against a taz-author. Basic a satirical article. Seehofer refers to the riots in Stuttgart. Federal i

taz column about police: Seehofer, the author threatens with display - Unspeakable article | policy

interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to put a complaint against a taz-author. Basic a satirical article. Seehofer refers to the riots in Stuttgart.

Federal interior Minister Seehofer wants to put a complaint against the taz-author Hengameh yaghoobi Farah. Reason is a satirical article, when it comes to the abolition of the police. Seehofer referred in his statements to the riot in Stuttgart.

Update 22. June, 9.46 PM: , of Course, also the Echo in the social media does not have to wait long. The opinion is more or less unanimously - summarised by Moderator and satirist Jan böhmermann: "This is an attack on the freedom of the press."

More Bohemian man says: "We are here in Turkey, in Russia or in the year 1962! With this dangerous sensationalism, Horst Seehofer, not only damaged the trust in the state. What authority has a Minister who needs to put an axe out of his office out of the debate?“

Also in the own ranks, the announcement of Seehofer's not only a positive response. The former CDU*General Secretary Ruprecht Polenz keeps the action of the Minister of the interior is wrong: "It's not about censorship, but rather to (Self -) responsibility of the Speech and Writing."

The LEFT member of the German Bundestag Niema Movassat doesn't hold back in the short message service Twitter, and referred to Seehofer as the "German Orbán". The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is under fire, as he tried to control with various measures, the Public and the flow of information in his home.

criticism it hails from the ZDF presenter Dunja Hayali, however, for both sides. On Twitter, you criticized both the interior Minister Horst Seehofer, as well as the taz column.

support the author Hengameh yaghoobi Farah from a taz-colleagues.

CSU interior Minister Horst Seehofer had announced on Sunday evening, in his Position as a Minister in a criminal complaint against an "unspeakable article" the taz on the police criminal complaint. The background of the violent rampage in Stuttgart in the night to Sunday.

After the riots in Stuttgart - "Unspeakable article": interior Minister Seehofer taz-author display

want a message from the 22. June, 9.01 PM: Berlin - Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), wants refund because of a highly controversial article about police officers in the Berlin "tageszeitung" display against the author Hengameh yaghoobi Farah.

Seehofer wants to press charges against taz-columnist Hengameh yaghoobi Farah: "Unspeakable article"

In the post with the title "abolition of the police - All cops are unable to work" it was a "disgraceful article", as Seehofer on Sunday night (21. June), the Bild newspaper said. On Monday he will in his function as Federal Minister of the interior, "a criminal complaint against the columnist ".

"leads to A disinhibition of the words inevitably lead to a disinhibition of the deeds and Violence , just as we have it now in Stuttgart is". The Seehofer said with a view to the riots in Stuttgart on the weekend. There were riots and street battles. "We are not allowed to accept more." Previously, the German police Union (DPolG) had filed a complaint against the "daily newspaper".

The images of the riots in Stuttgart are also observed in Bavaria with concern. Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) assesses the situation in the Interview.

Seehofer wants to put on the basis of article criminal complaint: the author mused about abolishing the police

The author Hengameh yaghoobi Farah mused in the satirical post about the the abolition of the police and possible career alternative for police officers. At the end she comes to the conclusion that police officials were being lifted on a "landfill" at best.


*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Date Of Update: 22 June 2020, 04:35