20-year-old Christian thunders: Abolish it!

"It is one of the most - if not the most unfair tax we have in Denmark." How to began Christian Bülow from the Danish people's party Youth, his visit to th

20-year-old Christian thunders: Abolish it!

"It is one of the most - if not the most unfair tax we have in Denmark."

How to began Christian Bülow from the Danish people's party Youth, his visit to the B. T. Live on Tuesday.

An elimination of the inheritance tax has particularly been a key issue for Søren Pape Poulsen, The Conservative, while the Social democrats want to change in the tax.

Ungdomspolitikeren is completely in line with Søren Pape.

"we will tax people's money, as they have worked hard to earn, and then takes 15 percent, once not more, and they must be passed on to their children, charities, or other, is fundamentally wrong and immoral," said Christian von Bülow.

the inheritance tax means that, among others, the children or grandchildren pay a 15 percent inheritance tax of inheritance, which is greater than 295.300 kr.

the Social democrats suggest a more progressive system, where you do not pay the tax, if you inherit less than a half a million dollars. But away increases the tax, the greater the amount you inherit.

the Proposal will mean higher taxes than today, if you inherit a fortune, the total is over three million. crowns.

Debatredaktør Sanne Fahnøe came up with a number of questions.

When you inherit, you have not relieved the downside to earn the money. Is it not fair to pay the Betticket 15 percent?

"It's not so much the percentage, but the principle. People can inherit, because our parents and grandparents worked a lifetime to earn the money which they would like to pass on, so we can have a better life."

"It's not about whether I have the right to inherit money or not. It is about them, I inherit from, has the right to determine what they will do with the money they have earned."

Why is it a problem here, and not, when it comes to vat or other ekstrabeskatninger?

"When you go down in a store, you know very well that you pay 25% in vat. And that is sukkerafgift on sugar, and so on. But the inheritance tax is a tvangsafgift."

Is it not good that the Social democrats will raise the amount for when you have to pay?

"It's a start. But generally, I am against the tax. But one should keep in mind that many inherit a business where there are other charges that must be paid, and the money that you need to make it bigger and to make it more competitive. It is for the benefit of society in the form of jobs, growth and corporate taxes."

Date Of Update: 23 November 2019, 00:02